Sus Derechos y Responsabilidades


  • Recibir acceso a igualdad de tratamiento médico y comodidades sin importar la raza, credo, sexo, origen nacional, religión, o fuentes de pago para el cuidado.
  • Estar completamente informado y tener información completa, hasta el punto conocido por el médico, sobre el diagnóstico, tratamiento, procedimiento y pronóstico, así como los riesgos y efectos secundarios asociados con el tratamiento y procedimiento antes del procedimiento.
  • Ejercer sus derechos sin ser sujetado a discriminación o represalia.
  • Expresar quejas sobre el tratamiento o cuidado de que sea (o no sea) proporcionada.
  • La privacidad personal.
  • Recibir atención en un entorno seguro.
  • Estar libre de cualquier forma de abuso o acoso.
  • Recibir el cuidado necesario para recuperar o mantener su estado de salud máximo y si es necesario, hacer frente a la muerte.
  • Espere que el personal que cuida del paciente son amistosos, considerados, respetuosos y calificados por medio de educación y experiencia, así como realizar los servicios de los que son responsables de la más alta calidad de los servicios.
  • Estar completamente informado del alcance de los servicios disponibles en el centro médico, provisiones para cuidado después de horas, y los honorarios relacionados por los servicios prestados.
  • Ser un participante en las decisiones con respecto a la intensidad y alcance del tratamiento. Si el paciente no puede participar en esas decisiones, los derechos del paciente serán ejercitadas por el representante designado del paciente u otra persona legalmente designada.
  • Tomar decisiones informadas con respecto a su cuidado.
  • Rechazar el tratamiento en la medida permitida por la ley y ser informado de las consecuencias médicas de tal denegación. El paciente acepta la responsabilidad de sus acciones incluyendo la denegación de tratamiento o no seguir las instrucciones del médico o centro.
  • Aprobar o rechazar la divulgación de informes médicos a cualquier individual fuera del centro, o de lo requerido por ley o contrato de pago de terceros.
  • Estar informado de cualquier experimentación humana o de otros proyectos de investigación / educación que afectan a su cuidado del tratamiento y puede rechazar la participación en tal experimentación o investigación sin compromiso al cuidado general del paciente.
  • agravios / quejas y sugerencias en cualquier momento Express.
  • El acceso ay / o copias de su / sus registros médicos.
  • Estar informado en cuanto a la política del centro médico con respecto a directivas / testamentos vitales antelación.
  • Estar completamente informado antes de cualquier transferencia a otro centro u organización y asegurarse de la instalación receptora ha aceptado el traslado del paciente.
  • Expresar las creencias espiritual y las prácticas culturales que no dañan ni interfieren con el curso previsto de terapia médica para el paciente.
  • Esperar que el centro de acuerdo en conformarse con las Leyes Federales de Derechos Civiles que aseguran que proveerán interpretación para los individuos que no dominan el Inglés.
  • Tener una evaluación y evaluaciones regulares de dolor.
  • Educación de pacientes y familias, cuando es apropiado, con respecto a sus papeles en el manejo del dolor.
  • Para cambiar personal médico si otro personal médico calificado está disponible.
  • Si un paciente se adjudica incompetente bajo leyes de salud y seguridad estatal aplicable por un tribunal de jurisdicción competente, los derechos del paciente serán ejercitadas por la persona designada bajo la ley estatal de actuar en nombre del paciente.
  • Si un tribunal estatal no ha adjudicado un paciente incompetente, cualquier representante legal designado por el paciente de acuerdo con leyes estatales, puede ejercitar los derechos del paciente en la medida permitida por la ley estatal.


  • Sea considerado con otros pacientes y personal y asistir con el control de ruido, comer, u otras distracciones.
  • Respetar la propiedad de otros y del centro.
  • Divulgar si entiende claramente el curso de tratamiento previsto y lo que se espera de él o ella.
  • Mantener las citas y, cuando no pueda hacerlo por cualquier razón, notificar al centro y al médico.
  • Proveer a los cuidadores la información más exacta y completa con respecto a quejas ocurriendo, enfermedades previas y hospitalizaciones, medicamentos, cambios inesperados en la condición del paciente, o cualquier otro asunto de la salud del paciente.
  • Observar las reglas prescritos del centro médico durante su estadía y tratamiento y, si no se siguen las instrucciones, perderá de atención en el centro.
  • Cumplir de manera oportuna con sus obligaciones financieras para con la institución.
  • Identificación de cualquier preocupación de seguridad del paciente.


Todos los pacientes tienen derecho a participar en sus propias decisiones de atención de salud y hacer directivas anticipadas o ejecutar Poderes que autoricen a otros a tomar decisiones en su nombre sobre la base de que el paciente ha expresado deseos cuando el paciente es incapaz de tomar decisiones o no pueden comunicar decisiones. Aspectos Magnolia Surgery Center y mantiene estos derechos.

Sin embargo, a diferencia de un centro de cuidado grave Magnolia Surgery Center no rutinaria realizar procedimientos “de riesgo elevado”. Mientras que no hay cirugía sin riesgo, la mayoría de los procedimientos realizados en este centro médico se consideran de riesgo mínimo. Usted discutirá los específicos de su procedimiento con su médico quien puede contestar sus preguntas en cuanto a sus riesgos, la recuperación prevista, y cuidado después de su cirugía.

Por lo tanto, es nuestra política, sin importar el contenido de una Directiva Avanzada o instrucciones de un sustituto o un abogado-de-hecho, si un acontecimiento adverso ocurre durante su tratamiento en nuestro centro, vamos a iniciar resucitación u otro estabilizador medidas y les transferiremos a un hospital de agudos para una evaluación adicional. En el hospital de cuidado grave, más tratamientos o el retiro de medidas de tratamiento ya serán pedidos de acuerdo con sus deseos, Directivas Avanzadas, o Poder para Atención Médica. Su acuerdo con la política de este centro médico no revocará ni invalidará ninguna directiva de cuidado médico o el poder para la atención médica.

Si usted desea completar una Directiva Avanzada, las copias de los formularios estatales oficiales están disponibles en nuestro centro.

Si usted no está de acuerdo con la política de este centro médico, estaremos encantados de ayudarle a reprogramar su procedimiento.


Para presentar una queja o reclamación puede comunicarse con el Administrador del centro medico al 714-903-9039 o mail a:

Magnolia Surgery Center
14571 Magnolia Street Suite 107 Westminster, California 92683

Los beneficiarios de Medicare pueden recibir información con respeto a sus opciones bajo Medicare y sus derechos y protecciones, visite el sitio web de la Oficina del Beneficiarios de Medicare Ombudsman en:

After Procedure

What will happen if I am not able to go home?
Admissions to a hospital from a surgery center happen occasionally. In certain circumstances, your physician or anesthesiologist may determine that you need to be transferred to a hospital for additional post operative care.
What if I am not feeling well once I get home?
If you are in serious pain, or exhibit warning symptoms described in your discharge instructions, please call your physician, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.
What can I eat when I get home?
Your surgeon may have specific recommendations for your post operative diet. We generally suggest that you eat lightly after surgery, and strongly encourage you to drink plenty of fluids. You should avoid alcoholic beverages.
What can I do to help prevent a post operative infection?

In addition to following the recommendations below, follow your post operative instructions carefully and notify your physician if you have any signs or symptoms which concern you.
Take a shower the night before and the morning of surgery. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Wash your hair first with any shampoo.
  2. Wash all of your body using a liquid antibacterial soap and a clean washcloth for each shower.
  3. Rinse well to remove all soap.
  4. Dry your body with a clean towel.
  5. Do not use lotion, cream or powder.
  6. Do not shave or clip the area where the surgery will be done unless your physician directs you to do so.
  7. On the day of your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash hands frequently while at the facility and at home following your surgery. Also, do not hesitate to ask members of your health care team at the facility if they have washed their hands!
  8. After your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash their hands frequently.  Also, be sure you follow all instructions provided by your health care team regarding the care and cleaning of your surgical site as well as the administration of post-operative medications and bandages.
How will my pain be managed?

The management of your pain is of great importance to us. We will be assessing your level of pain from the time of admission until you receive our post operative call at home. During your stay at the facility, you will be repeatedly asked to rate your pain using a numerical scale (0-10), or for children, the “Faces Pain Scale” (shown below). 

pain faces 2

We will often use a combination of different modalities to help make you comfortable – choosing from oral medications, intravenous medications, nerve blocks, injection of local anesthetic during the surgery, etc. Prior to the surgery, the management of your pain should be discussed with both your anesthesiologist and surgeon. Please feel free to bring up any concerns or fears you may have. Remember that information on pain management gives you the appropriate expectations and hence a smoother, more comfortable recovery. It is important to follow instructions regarding your post operative pain medication closely.  Many pain medications take 20 to 30 minutes to begin to work.  For best results, the pain medication should be taken before the pain becomes too strong.

Can my family be with me after procedure?
Yes. After surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area. A nurse will monitor your vital signs and make sure you are comfortable as the anesthesia begins to wear off. Once you are awake and alert, your family will be invited back to the recovery area. Special arrangements are made for children having surgery.
May I drive home?
No. Patients will not be allowed to drive after a procedure and must make necessary transportation arrangements. If you plan to walk or take public transportation from our facility after a procedure, please make sure you are accompanied by a responsible adult.
Should I continue my usual medications after procedure?
Most patients should continue their usual medications after surgery. Patients who have diabetes and those patients on blood thinners may require some adjustment of their medications. These instructions will be clarified with you before you leave the facility. If you have any questions, please call your surgeon or primary care physician.
How long will I stay after my procedure?
The amount of recovery time varies from patient to patient. After your procedure, a nurse will monitor your vital signs and make sure you are alert and stable. You will be sent home as soon as your health care team feels it is safe to discharge you from the facility.

Before Procedure

What tests are required prior to my procedure?
Any pre-operative tests will be determined by your physician or anesthesiologist and communicated to you prior to the date of your surgery.
Will I be contacted prior to my procedure by the facility?
Yes. You may receive up to three calls. You will be contacted the day prior to surgery by a member of your health care team. This call will include instructions for the day of surgery and answers to any questions you may have. You may also be contacted by someone in the facility’s business office to address financial matters such as your responsibility for co-payments and deductibles. Finally, you may also be contacted by your anesthesiologist.
What should I bring?
  1. Please bring a photo identification and your insurance card(s). Our staff will need to verify and make copies when you check-in on the day of your surgery.
  2. Be sure to bring any medications that you may need during your stay at the facility (e.g., inhaler or insulin).
  3. Please bring a list of all drugs you are currently taking.
  4. Please bring payment of any patient responsibility (e.g. co-payment or deductible)
  5. Please do not bring rings, watches, or other valuables.
Should I arrange a ride to the facility?
Yes. You will not be allowed to drive after surgery. Please arrange for an adult to drive you home and for someone to be with you when you arrive.
What may I eat and drink before procedure?
Your physician or a pre-operative nurse will inform you of eating and drinking restrictions prior to surgery. It is very important that you follow the provided instructions. If you do not, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled.
Should I take my routine medications on the day of procedure?
You will be given instructions regarding medications by your physician or a staff member. Also, as noted above, please be prepared to list all medications (including name and dose) you are taking and to bring any with you that may be needed during your stay (e.g., inhaler or insulin).
What can I do to help ensure that I have the proper procedure on the correct site?
Your safety is our primary concern. Your entire health care team will follow rigorous guidelines regarding site identification and procedure confirmation. National Patient Safety Goals have been developed which require your involvement too. You will be asked numerous times to confirm both the procedure you are having and the surgical site. You should take a very active role in all discussions with your physician, your anesthesia provider and our staff regarding the identification of your procedure and the correct surgical site. most cases, your surgeon will mark the site prior to your procedure.
What can I do to help prevent a site infection?

Take a shower the night before and the morning of surgery. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Wash your hair first with any shampoo.
  2. Wash all of your body using a liquid antibacterial soap and a clean washcloth for each shower.
  3. Rinse well to remove all soap.
  4. Dry your body with a clean towel.
  5. Do not use lotion, cream or powder.
  6. Do not shave or clip the area where the surgery will be done unless your physician directs you to do so.
  7. On the day of your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash hands frequently while at the facility and at home following your surgery. Also, do not hesitate to ask members of your health care team at the facility if they have washed their hands!
  8. After your procedure make sure you, your family and any other caregivers wash their hands frequently.  Also, be sure you follow all instructions provided by your health care team regarding the care and cleaning of your surgical site as well as the administration of post-operative medications and bandages.
Are there special considerations for a child having procedure?
We realize that surgery can be frightening for you and your child. The pre-operative call with the facility nurse is a great time to arrange a tour of the facility to ease any fears you both may be experiencing. If your child would like to have a stuffed animal or security blanket for added comfort, feel free to bring these items on the day of surgery. In the case of young children having surgery, it is best to have someone along with the driver to help care for the child on the trip home. If you experience any health changes between your most recent visit with your physician and the date of surgery, notify your physician immediately. Please report even minor changes, such as an elevated temperature, cough or cold. If you cannot reach your physician, please call the facility.
What if I think I might be pregnant?
Please be sure to notify your physician, anesthesiologist and nurse prior to the date of surgery if you think you may be pregnant. The surgical procedure, anesthesia and medications may be harmful to a developing baby.